October was a very crazy month for us. It started out on the 1st with a trip to Disney World with all of Keith's family. Luckily our overall trip didn't reflect the first few hours. We got on the plane only to find out that they had overbooked and everyone was in different seat. Keith was in the very front. Jarett a couple rows behind him. Jordyn in the middle, and Jace and I in the very back (luckily we had at least two seats together). Jord was a little skeptical about sitting by herself, so I nicely asked the man sitting by us if he would trade her. His reply was "No, I want a window seat." I told her no luck and the sweet little lady beside her said, "Don't worry I'll take care of her." Thank goodness for KIND people in this world. She did great, and even ended up getting the ladies address, so they could be pen pals. On the plane ride I couldn't get my new SD card to work in my camara, so I called Keith's sister who was already in Florida and asked her to pick one up for me. They met us as we arrived at the resort and once again the SD card she bought wouldn't work in my camara. I'm now $80 into SD cards that won't work. When Karah arrives, she informs me that I had bought (twice) SDHC cards and they won't work in cannons. I went into the gift shop at our resort and paid $60 dollars for a smaller SD card, put it into my camara, and guess what? It didn't work! I had accidentally bought another SDHC card. I went back in and bought the only SD card they had which was even smaller for another $40. So $140 later, I was ready to document our trip! Luckily the rest of our trip was fabulous! (at least for our family) We opened up the parks, and shut them down at night. We are all about sleeping when we get home. Unfortunately Keith's two brothers, and his mom were not as lucky as us. They ended up with the flu and spent almost 4 days in their rooms.

Grandma, and all her grandkids
(except a couple sleeping babies, and Jace)
Everybody except Steven's family (they got the worst of the flu:(
Viking Keith & Viking Jace in Norway
Rikki's Bday at Epcot
Of course after eating in the castle
with all the princesses, we had to find a tough boy picture!
Keith and the Kids at the Mickey's Not-SO-Scary Halloween party!
We got home from Disney World on the 11th, did a load of laundry and headed up North.
Thursday night, my mom and I went the Witchapalooza in Gardner Village. Friday night we hit Frightmares at Lagoon, then Sat. we went to Thriller!
Mom & I at Witchapalooza
Jarett & Jordyn trying to act not scared before we went into Thriller
The whole Fam (except Jace) @ Thriller
The next weekend, Jen and Doug came down for the Primary Program, and we had our Halloween dinner with Dead Man's Corpse, Monster toes, Ghostly Potatoes, Pig Snout,Salty Bones, Witches Brew, and finished it off with a little Kitty Litter Cake.
The next week was filled with Class parties, Halloween Carnivals, Volleyball & Football games, and of course Trick-OR-Treating. Needless to say, I still have not completely unpacked our suitcases from Disney World!
Jace's First school party!
Indiana Jones
Luigi, and The Witch!